
1 hour appointments are offered with your choice of either in-person, virtual or by telephone

I use a Five-Step From Grief to Gratitude Coaching Model that will help you:

  • Understand the grief process and acknowledge the normal and natural responses to loss.

  • Accept the fragility of life and the reality of death. Be able to honor the life and continue the legacy of your loved one.

  • Begin blending old routines, habits, and traditions with newer ones to create a renewed awareness of self.

  • Accept the continuance of your own life and take action to embrace your future.

  • Move forward beyond the grief and create and enjoy a fulfilled life of love and gratitude.



After your first consultation, together we will customize the perfect package that meets your needs. Any package can be renewed or re-assessed upon completion. Grieving is unique to each individual, and there can be no timeline put on your grief journey.